
Welcome to my Blog!

Original publication: 2024-09-14


The main purpose of this blog will be for me to document a little bit about my Cybersecurity learning journey. I only started 7 months ago, so I still have got a lot to learn, although I'm not shy to say that I've learned already so much in the span of only a few months, and I'm pretty proud of it!

This will be mostly about Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis, and some Pentesting since they are my domain of expertise (as limited as it is right now). So I will be sharing my CTF write-ups, scripts, projects, new discoveries, etc. with you guys.

But not only that! Sometimes I just want to talk about other stuff, like my other hobbies, musics, animes, languages, experiences, discoveries, or just talk about my average life, rants and other yappings.

This will be the place where I'll be able to share everything I want to whoever wants to read my posts (as boring as they can get)! There are a few reasons I want to do that:

Keep a trace of my thinking

Just like a diary, I would like to leave a trace of my thinking from a certain point in time, so that I can reflect on my past situations. I do think it's not good to stay focused on the past, but looking back at my previous level, experiences, achievements, failures and basically what was in my mind is probably good to learn from to become a better person.

Taking notes

I will be sharing a lot of my discoveries. These blog posts will contain these different discoveries, so that when I look back at these, I will be able to remember about them. Maybe it will make my brain clearer, or maybe it will just help me to be motivated to work on something.

Sharing is caring

I'm just a guy who likes to share, an open-source kind of person! Let's think of this blog as a git repository about what's going on in my brain. And for whoever stumbles upon this blog, I hope they will somehow find a somewhat interesting, or at least entertaining post to read. Making the day of other people makes my day as well!

Organizing my thoughts

Sometimes, I do think that my thoughts can be really confused. I believe thinking deeply about a subject and writing about it will help to organize my thoughts.

Upgrade my writings skills

I suck at writing.


On that note, I will try to write as regularly as I can, although I don't know if I will be able to stay rigorous. I'll definitely do my best, and so should you, dear reader.

If there is any mistake to report or you have any suggestion, feel free to open a PR in the repository.